We were delayed a few hours in São Paulo which made us miss our original connection in Miami so we were rerouted through Los Angeles instead of directly to San Franisco. It was a lot of flying and we were tired yet still very excited when we actually arrived in SF.
Trying to save money we took the Bart train from the airport ($5 each) to the Powell street station, only 3 blocks from our hotel. Three blocks uphill. It wasn't so bad though.
The King George Hotel is a nice smaller hotel with free wi-fi, good free coffee, and it is only a block from Union Square and the cable car line. We got a really quiet 7th floor room at the far end of the hallway. The view was of other buildings and Starbucks. The latter was not surprising since if you stand in front of one Starbucks in downtown SF, you should be able to see another one less than two blocks away.
I bought an unlimited week pass for the cable car for $24 because a single ride is $5--no transfers (ouch!) Then we rode up to China town, where most stores were closed by that time, and went into a sushi restaurant where the sushi was delivered on little boats in water that runs in front of the seating bar. They had big signs in their windows about 99 cent sushi! Liars! There was one thing that was that price and it wasn't fish. Everything else was much more expensive. We had a so-so udon noodle dish instead.