Was I ever wrong about Slovenia! It has “Slov” in the name and I had pictured an eastern block post Soviet country with lots of tractors, stout women, and bleak architecture. Instead, I found it to be a marvelous, technologically and design advanced, central style European country. It is far under-rated. The capital, Ljubljana, is a lively, beautiful city with streets filled with activity. The river flowing through the middle of the city, below the castle, is the center of the cafe social scene. There are huge produce and flower markets, a clothing market, craft and art vendors, food vendors, street performers, and many people making the city feel alive. There was even a life drawing event in the central square (people drawing live nude models). From the dragon bridge to the series of mannequins flying overhead, the city embraces public art, giving it a culturally rich feel.
Chad and I went to a traditional Slovenian restaurant to check out the local food. I almost had the Stallion steak. Instead I ordered the game goulash and the house beer. Both were wonderful. The goulash came in a little pot hung over a candle. I ladled the chunky game meat (?) and gravy over my bread dumpling and was once again impressed with Slovenia. Chad accurately sniffed out the blueberry nose of the beer while he was devouring his equally delicious turkey steak. We finished off with the local specialty, a huge piece of pastry with lots of things in it, like poppy seeds, cottage cheese, and other things I don’t know but wanted to eat more of. I had been snacking all day and that was a lot of food.
The next day I had to try a horse burger at one of the street vendors. It was almost as big around as my head and was only $3 USD. I liked it a lot (big surprise, I know) and found it to be more deliciously flavorful than regular burgers. I will never look at horses the same way again. I might make them nervous.
I don’t know why I had such a wrong image of Slovenia. It is a modern and charming country. Definitely worth revisiting.