You will have to forgive me for not blogging while Patrícia was here. Let's just say that I had other things on my mind.
This city is made for romance. We had a wonderful time staying in the heart of Montmarte at a little hotel only 100 meters from the Moulin Rouge. It was a perfect base for exploring the city. We hit all the big sights: L'Arc de Triumphe, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, St. Chapelle, Versaille, a slew of Museums, Bastille, and the Sacre Coeur. And we saw some of the infinite number of little sights that make the city what it is: charming cafes, tree lined stone stairways, tiny parks, cobblestone steets, metro stations, bakeries, little shops, street performers, chimney cluttered rooftops, the Seine, bateau mouches, bridges, and the people.
I bought the Museum and Monuments pass that let us bypass lines and walk right into our choice of 60 places. And with the passes we could leave and return whenever we wanted allowing us the much needed freedom to rest from art overload and go to a little romantic cafe whenever we needed a break. Combined with Carte Orange unlimited metro passes, we were unhindered in sightseeing, eating, shopping, relaxing, and soaking up all that is Paris.
Once again I could not help myself from shopping. Partly because I didn't want to look like a traveler when Patrícia would look like her normal elegant self, and partly because it is Paris. It is hard to not buy clothes in this city. I blame it on the French; they are too damn stylish. I also could not resist getting Asterix figures for Eric. I won't discuss what I bought at all the creperies, bakeries, and sweet shops while I have been here--let it suffice to say that I will be eating a bit less for a while.
I couldn't pass up taking my lovely Patrícia to the Moulin Rouge for the caberet show. I asked around and everyone said it was the best in town, so we went. I was expecting to be impressed and I was not dissapointed. First, the interior and atmosphere were beautiful and very romantic. I also arranged to get a very good table at the front center of the first tier--the best seats in the house. Second, the meal with Champagne, foie gras, sea bass, duck confit, and chocolate macaroon was magnificent. Third, the show was everything from amazing to beautiful to stunning to surprising to really funny. The most surprising was when one of the dancers was thrown into a huge glass tank of water, that suddenly rose from the stage, to wrestle/dance/swim with two very large snakes (boas?). The tank was about 15 ft square and 6 ft deep. The sets were spectacular and changed with incredible speed, and the performers, recruited from all over the world, were truly talented. The costumes were over-the-top (and topless) and the choreography was first rate. It was a great night.
Our time in Paris was wonderful. I do not know how we could top it anywhere else. It was hard to let go of Patrícia at the airport and let her return to Brasil. I tried convincing her that she did not need her job, but she kept saying something about needing money to live. I can't wait for us to return.