I forgot how much I love this city: The buildings, cafes, streets, monuments, metro, pastry, food, and the atmosphere. Even most of the French. I love this city. And what could be even better? To be here with a young beautiful woman who loves me. She flies in from Brasil tomorrow morning to spend a glorious week in the city of light. Life is truly good.
I have been spending my few days alone here by wandering the streets, flirting with the sights, and eating. Maybe it is a good thing I did not get here too much before Patrícia or I would be fat when she got here. Oh, the wonders of cassoulet, roasted farmer's chicken, and steak frites. Of course I have to temper all that fat with a little red wine. Life is fantastic here.
There are the bones of about six million people in deep alcoves all through the tunnels. Long bones and skulls are arranged to form a "decorative" wall at the front and the rest of the bones are carelessly piled behind. Six million people is mind boggling. It is very dark, water drips from the ceiling, and human skulls are staring at you everywhere you go. Very cool. I wish I could have gotten some better pictures, but the exposures were 15-25 seconds long and I did not have a tripod.