The food was great and endless with everything from whole roasted baby pigs to a fantastic bitter palm salad. The beer flowed freely and was served in the typical Brazilian style, so cold you can feel the ice crystal are just starting to form. I stuck to wine mostly, but you cannot argue with beer that is that cold when you are hot and sweaty from playing soccer. There really is nothing like relaxing in the pool with a coooold beer and eating pizza.
I quickly discovered that I am a terrible attacker because I lack all the fancy footwork skills for controlling the ball and faking out opponents. Seeing how well these guys can control a ball is humbling. However shameful my attacker performance was, I held my own as a blocker. I blocked 11 shots at our goal, stopping the painfully fast moving balls with everything from my feet, legs, stomach, chest, head, and unfortunately, my nose. The last one stunned me for a few seconds, but since it was not gushing blood, I kept playing. My team lost the first game on Saturday and crushed them on Sunday! There was a sudden torrential rain storm while we playing that didn't faze anyone. We just slid around, falling and laughing our butts off at each other. Notice we are all barefoot.
We even had Santa Claus (crazy cousin) come to give out presents to the little kids. He had a terrible beard that would not stay in place so none but the littlest of the kids bought it.
And now I am home, sunburned, I hurt all over from abusing my underused soccer muscles, I have big bruises, my ankle is swollen from being kicked, my mosquito bites itch like crazy, I am sleep deprived, a little hung over, feeling fat, and would do it again anytime.
Merry Christmas!