I have been loading old entries and photos but not blogging lately, so I will try to blog every time I upload.
I am working a lot, from 7:30 in the morning to 9:30 at night with a lot of driving and spaces between classes. This schedule is tiring. I put about 1100 kilometers on my scooter each month. Sometimes those kilometers are relaxed and easy, and other times time is short and I have to push the limits a bit to make it on time. Driving on a two wheeled vehicle in Brazil can be very exciting/terrifying at times.
Basically I spend my days talking to people about all sorts of subjects from personal issues to worldwide geopolitical problems. It is a fascinating cultural experience. I have come to realize just how similar humans are, as in they are primarily emotion driven creatures and only secondarily logical. I feel travel has really deepened my understanding of humanity as well as my own mind. I still think I am as emotionally blinded as the next person, I have just acquired a little personal insight and self-awareness about it. I may do something emotional and stupid, but now I am more acutely aware that it is (this certainly does not mean that I will stop doing it though, I am human after all).
This picture is Braília Shopping where I have some classes at a small school.