It has been a while since I have been in a big museum and the Athens Archeological Museum does not disappoint (and the museum was free today). There are many great pieces that are worth studying. Of course there are also tons of figurines and pottery that quickly all look the same. I applied my normal advice. Just keep moving. Only stop at what jumps out at you. Trying to absorb everything is looking for burnout and a boring experience.
I do not understand the ancient Greek fascination with the male body. Almost every single depiction of the male body had the genitals exposed. This includes scenes where it doesn’t seem appropriate; the lower flap of what few clothes they wore is always open with the goods hanging out for God and everybody to see. And then you look at the depictions of woman, and almost without exception, they are wearing heavy wool garments. Maybe the women were not attractive back then. Or maybe the Greeks were just really screwed up.
I didn’t think I could get tired of phyllo based food products, but I think the oil and fat is getting to me. I am really longing for fruit and vegetables. The salad choices here are pretty limited in most places; you have you choice of chef or Greek salads (surprised?).
I saw everything I really wanted to see in Athens. It doesn’t have as interesting character as do the other big European cities.
I will be taking a six hour train to Thessaloniki on the northeast coast and then will head to the Macedonia.