I strolled across the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday and enjoyed the good weather. I could not bring myself to go to any museums or visit any other sights. After Paris I only wanted to walk and relax. I walked about 70 or 80 blocks and only took the grungy subway twice.
I had the unfortunate need to ask for help with the bus to DC. It is a discount bus run by a Chinatown company and does not have a storefront. At only $20 for oneway, I had no complaints other than I could not find the stop. Everyone I asked was brusque and not helpful, even customer service people at the bus station. It was amazing to see people go from friendly to rude as soon as I asked them to think a little. I talked to maybe ten people and none of them were glad to help me, not that they were helpful anyway. I am glad I was not staying longer. I finally found another Chinatown bus and I made my way to DC for my Foreign Service Oral Assessment.