Terror Behind the Walls! The old state penitentiary, an enormous, spooky, castle-like prison in Philadelphia is the site of one of the best haunted houses in the country and we went on the second day it was opened. And with the two for one special it was only $15 each, a bargain for what you get.
I cannot say enough of how scary the prison is in the first place with its rundown stone construction and rusted wrought iron bars. Add in intentionally scary lighting or at times, lack of light at all. Throw in 40-50 people dressed as gory undead guards and prisoners, and have them yell at, scream at, chase, or whisper to you as you are inducted as new prisoners running a guantlet that includes gun fire, countless loud noises, blast of air, and horrifying scenes including Abu-Graib prison reenactment, hanging dead bodies meat locker style--that you have to push through, very dark fog filled rooms with the undead looming close, whispering in your ear, a 3-D section (with glasses) that was very bizarre and fascinating, and countless bloody visages popping out at every corner. It was truly scary. What made it even better was Patricia screaming the whole time and nearly drawing blood with her death grip on my arm.
Afterward, we went across the street to Jack's Firehouse Bar and watched people expertly swing dance to a great live band. I had delicious pulled pork on sweet corn chips, very delicious with a few pints and a tapping foot. It was a good finish to the day.