Now on

Monday, August 14, 2006

This is Patriotism?

This last Saturday at the county fair, my son and I were in the ATM queue, and what did I see slung proudly over the shoulder of the middle-aged woman in front of us? Nothing less than an inflatable, stars & stripes covered M-16 emblazoned with a bold USA.

Ack, ack, ack, not the sound of the rifle, but my patriotic indignation bubbling up through my stunned silent, gaping mouth. I found the booth that was giving away the toys as prizes, which was, fittingly, a strength test game. To my additional horror, a father was playing the game in order to arm all of his children, including his stroller bound infant. Ack, ack, ack....

Now, I own two guns (out of sentimentality for one and for target shooting fun for the other), so don't think that I am knee-jerkish. My beef is with the promotion of our country as a war mongering imperialist society and these toys support this classic negative American stereotype that countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, North Korea, etc... have about us. I am sure that the good family people letting their kids tote around these patriotic, simulated weapons of death are thinking that this supports our troops; however, why are we in Iraq/Afghanistan? What is their mission again? I thought it was to spread peace and democracy. So, what message do these toys give to our children? Be patriotic and go kill some foreigners? Getting the world to fear/hate us more does not support our troops.

Unfortunately, the right message is much harder to teach and certainly less fun for the kids (diplomacy on a stick?) Of course the biggest stumbling block is that the parents have to learn the lesson first--Talk more, shoot less, and we can bury fewer of our husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, and children.

Ack, ack, ack....

Monday, August 7, 2006

The Trip Starts Sept. 6th

The flight is booked, the hostel is arranged, and in a month I will be on my way. Since I put off scheduling my Foreign Service oral assessment until I knew the house sale was going through, I could not get a slot in DC until next spring. I picked March 8th to give me plenty of time to travel before I came back to the states. Even if I pass, I will go back on the road until I get called up to serve.

Oh boy, now all the little details have taken on a much more urgent nature.

My to do list in random order:

Get business cards
Get travel insurance
Sell almost everything I still own
Store what is left at my Mom's
Pay off bills after house closes
Terminate vehicle insurance
Change of address on credit cards/bank/mail
Give bank and credit card companies general interary (so they don't put holds on my account because of unusual usage)
Take more pictures of my house before I leave it for good :(
Terminate all services--garbage, utilities, TV, cell phone, etc...
Service scooter for long-term storage
Give copies of vital documents to family
Get Travelers checks

Well that's all I can think of right now; I am sure a bunch more will pop up.

Finally! It is happening. Without a doubt, this has been the longest year of my life.